Yoni Perfuming + Smudging

It is with excitement that we are now offering Yoni Smudging and Perfuming at The Golden Rose!!! Sacred Yoni Smudging is an ancient practice and method that has been used for centuries in many parts of the world. It is highly effective in clearing stagnant energy and promoting healthy energy flow, as well as providing a deep natural perfuming of the entire body. This practice assists in removing unwanted energy in the womb space, or energetic womb ties to past lovers.  Yoni smudging offers complete energy cleansing, while offering the additional benefit of its ability to scent the entire body with the sweet scent of sandalwood. If practiced correctly, the natural perfume will emanate from every pore of your body for days!! 

In fact, this is an ancient Nubian wedding tradition that is still performed to this day, where the bride smokes herself in a similar manner for everyday of the entire month before her wedding. From doing so, she is scented of sandalwood for the beginning part of the marriage.  Men confirm that the women smell of sandalwood at every moment, so much so that even when they sweat the sweet scent becomes even more prevalent. 

This is an exquisite beautification ceremony that intentionally brings in blessings, and signifies the conscious offering of our physical bodies in dedication to the sacred journeys we embark on.